A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation
Are you looking to better understand and apply innovation theories, methods, and tools? Do you need to think about your business or industry in a different way? Join the Sherpas as they conduct spirited conversations and tell compelling stories to guide you along your innovation expedition. Get your gear ready! Business Model Innovation, Human-centered Design and Strategic Partnerships @SherpaPod @HealthPodNet Music Credit: Aurus Audio
A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation
E111: Ruth Hartt - An Opera Singer Walks Into a Think Tank and Meets a Theory
Ben & Jay dig again into Jobs to Be Done, this time from a fascinating perspective with Ruth Hartt, Chief of Staff to the President at the Christensen Institute and creator of Culture for Hire. Ruth, a former opera singer and vocal teacher, is passionate about bringing customer-centric innovation to arts marketing. Classical music audiences have declined nearly 50% since 1997. Hear how Ruth applies Jobs to Be Done theory to help arts organizations reverse this trend and expand their notion of their audience and how reach them.
The Art of Relevance by Nina Simon
All Things Twitter:
Ruth Hartt
A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation
Ben Tingey
Jay Gerhart